If it is not possible to access Metallb IPs, there may be several reasons. Some of the solutions suggested by Radib to fix the problem are:

  1. Check Metallb settings:

    • Make sure that the ConfigMap for Metallb is configured correctly and the IP range is defined correctly.
    • Run the following command to make sure that the settings are correct:
      kubectl get configmap -n metallb-system
  2. Check the status of Metallb pods:

    • Check the status of Metallb pods with the following command:
      kubectl get pods -n metallb-system

    If any of the Pods are in CrashLoopBackOff or Error state, check the logs to fix the problem.

  3. Check IP Conflicts:

      • Make sure that the IP range you have assigned to Metallb does not conflict with other network resources (such as DHCP router or server).

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  4. Check LoadBalancer Services:

    • Check that the services of type LoadBalancer has a dedicated IP:
      kubectl get svc

    If the IP is not assigned, the problem may be with the Metallb configuration.

  5. Check firewall and network settings:

    • Check that the server firewall, internal network firewall, or security policies do not prevent access to the dedicated IPs.
  6. Check the Metallb controller logs:

    • To view the relevant logs, you can use the following command:
      kubectl logs -n metallb-system deployment/controller

If implementing these solutions does not resolve the problem, provide more information about the errors observed to Radib experts so that we can better assist.

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